Who to contact if you suspect fraud

On this page

While there are many people who genuinely need our help, there are unfortunately some who take unfair advantage of social assistance programs. We are committed to ensuring that the supports offered by these programs are provided to those who need it most.

Reporting fraud

If you suspect welfare fraud in Ontario, let us know. We take reports of fraud very seriously.

Please provide as much information as you can about the person you’re reporting, including:

  • name
  • address (including city)
  • why you believe this person is receiving assistance fraudulently.

You may report cases of suspected fraud by:

Ministry staff are bound by the privacy and confidentiality requirements of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and cannot confirm whether individuals are in receipt of social assistance and therefore cannot discuss the details of a fraud investigation with the person who filed the complaint.

For reports submitted via email or online form, please note that an automatic reply to your report will be provided however follow-up requests on reported allegations will not be actioned and multiple reports do not result in multiple investigations.

Online form

Please fill in as many fields as possible.

MCCSS - Report Suspected Welfare Fraud Online

Who are you reporting?

Enter person's first name
Enter person's last name
Person's date of birth | format: yyyy-mm-dd
Person's phone number
Person's street address
Enter person's city
Enter person's postal code
Person's province must be Ontario

Why are you reporting this person?

450 words max
If you have supporting documentation, please attach them
5MB max | 1 attachment - PDF or JPG only

Maximum file size: 5MB

May we contact you?

While we can't give you information about our investigation, we may need to contact you for more details or clarification. The Ministry will not disclose your information.

Please note that you are not required to provide this information as you may choose to remain anonymous.

Enter your name
Enter your phone number
Enter your email address

You may also report welfare fraud in Ontario via one of these options

  • Email: welfare.fraud.css@ontario.ca
  • Fax: 1-866-681-3154
  • Mail: Ministry of Children, Community & Social Services
    Welfare Fraud Hotline
    Box 333
    Toronto ON M7A 1E9